Communication Is Human: My Policies as an Editor, Writer, Plain Language Specialist, and Consultant

by Laura Edlund, published January 6, 2025*

People have a lot of questions about writing, editing, communication, publication, creative work, consulting, confidentiality, non-disclosure, other legal and ethical considerations, Chat GPT and other AI products, information, sources, credit, copyright, and more subjects. Here are some of my answers as of January 6, 2025.*

  1. I do not use generative AI in my work as an editor, writer, plain language specialist, and consultant. One reason is that using generative AI would contradict confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements I have with many clients. This is the case even if the eventual outcome of the work is published.
  2. Some of my clients may use generative AI, machine translation, large language models (LLMs), and the like in their work before or after my work on a communication. That is outside my control unless specifically stated in the contract I have with a client.
  3. I use tools and processes such as PerfectIt and macros in my work. These are not generative AI.
  4. I use my human intelligence—education, training, experience, and expertise gained over 30 years, continual professional development, and human critical thinking—to make decisions as I write, edit, and consult. I refer to research, references, professional standards, best practices, and good practices.
  5. Information, facts, and evidence matter, and disinformation can harm. For that reason, I refer to sources of information and opinion, as noted below.
  6. Research and evidence-based academic writing matter. Lived experience matters. Traditional Indigenous Knowledge matters. This is to acknowledge that information matters and sources vary.
  7. In my own writing, I refer to specific sources, my experience, or my opinion to be clear about the basis for my writing.
  8. In my own writing, I refer to sources and credit them appropriately, or I will be prepared to do so. If for reasons of confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements, privacy concerns, or other legal or ethical considerations, I can’t refer to a fact, statement, or experience, then I will not do so to respect those considerations.
  9. Information and evidence changes over time, and knowledge is gained. I learn something new every single day. For that reason, in my own writing (on my web site, in posts on social media, on my resume), I will include the date of original publication or update.
  10. I respect copyright and expect others to do the same. If you quote or adapt this policy statement, credit me as the source.

For more about writing, editing, plain language, and consulting services, please contact me at













(*Edited to correct a classic January typo—that is, revising to the year 2025.)

© Laura Edlund 2010