FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

What subjects and kinds of publications do you work on? What services and skills do you offer? I work on a wide variety of subjects and in different roles. Education, plain language, and stories are my specialties; visuals, big teams, complex projects, inclusive language, and Canadian history and geography are recurring threads. Currently, I am available for consulting, writing, editing, and manuscript evaluations for projects both big and small. For more about past projects, clients, employers, education, and so on, see testimonials and Experience. Or have a look at my profile in the Online Directory of Editors or LinkedIn.

What training and formal education do you have? See the Experience web page. That page covers education, continual professional development (including committee work), clients, and past employers because these are all related. Every work day contributes to what I know, and every work day I use what I have learned over 30+ years to help clients. Editing and writing necessarily involve lifelong learning and professional development. I have had the good fortune to learn from many great teachers and mentors. And I enjoy continuing to learn from others in many different ways while passing on what I know.

What advice do you have for writers and for other people needing a writer or editor? See my blog for advice for writers and people needing to hire a professional writer or editor.

What does editing cost and why—please see my blog on this very subject.

What do these editing terms meansubstantive editing, structural and stylistic editing, developmental editing, copy-editing, proofreading, and so on? Editors Canada has handy definitions of these editorial skills. As well, see my blog for comments on different editing and writing situations. When you contact me, we can discuss where you are in the writing/editing process and what you need so that you have a clear understanding of the next steps in creating clear, powerful, targeted communications.

How much will hiring you cost? That depends on what you need, how long it will take, and when you need it. Please contact me so that we can discuss your project needs and deadlines. I can troubleshoot and suggest ways you can streamline, so reduce your costs.

Can you start my project today? If that’s what you need, I’ll let you know if that can be scheduled. We can discuss different options—such as…

Please contact me so that we can discuss your project needs.

What advice do you have for other editors, including those just starting out? See suggestions on my blog.  

What about referrals? If I am approached about a project and don’t have the time or required skills, I will happily refer to another writer or editor if I know something about their skills and experience. (I do not receive a referral fee or commission.) By the same token, colleagues, please feel free to refer possible clients to me. Thanks very much!

Where can I find out more? See the other pages of this website, including my blog. And see the Editors Canada Online Directory of Editors or LinkedIn. Or email. Thanks!

© Laura Edlund 2025